John has decided to try copy trading with FXTM Invest. 👏🎉
He’s looked carefully through FXTM’s Top Performing Strategy Manager page 👨🏾👨🏼👨🏿🦳👨🏻🦰👩🏽🦱 to find a trader to follow that’s suits his investment goals and risk appetite, but he’d still like to learn more before he puts his capital at risk.
As part of global broker FXTM’s mission to help its clients get more from the markets, they also offer the Ultimate Guide to Copy Trading. 📖 This helps new traders like John to learn more about the basics of copy trading in one clear, easy-to-read guide.
Check it out now: 👉
There is so much more to John story with several useful tips – follow #JohnsTradingJourney 6/7
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